Presidents' Day Closing

The library will be closed Sunday, February 16th & Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.

Text Notifications

Text Notifications
Service Type

How to sign up

  • Text the word SIGNUP to (844)213-2295. You will receive a reply asking for your library card number.
  • Text your library card number (under the barcode). You will receive a confirmation text.
  • You may opt in to receive library news alerts by texting the keyword WANEWS.

With Shoutbomb, you can receive text messages from the Library when:

  • Items you requested are ready for pickup
  • Items you borrowed are almost due
  • Items you borrowed are overdue

From your Shoutbomb account, you can text the Library to:

  • See what you have borrowed
  • Renew your items, even if overdue
  • Manage multiple library cards in one Shoutbomb account

​Please note: The library does NOT charge a fee for this service, but your cell phone plan’s text-messaging rates do apply.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will I receive texts?

Overnight processing sends texts only when activity on your account triggers a message. These are sent between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. As items are put on the hold shelf during the day, text notifications are sent hourly.​

What if I switch phones but keep the same number?

​If you switch to a new cell phone and the phone number remains the same, it won’t always transfer the service to the new phone. Text the keyword SWITCHPHONE to (844)213-2295 and follow the prompts​.

How do I report a problem?

If you are experiencing any issues with the service or you would like to make a suggestion for improvement, please text/email your comments to​.

What do I do if I don’t get a reply from the Shoutbomb service?

If after 4 hours you have not received a reply, send the keyword RESEND to (844)213-2295. If you do not receive a reply within a day, send an email detailing the problem to

How do I opt out of the Shoutbomb service?

To end all text notifications and cancel your registration, text the message QUIT to (844)213-2295 and follow the prompts.​

Shoutbomb commands

General Services
ADDCARD – Add new card(s) to the same phone (e.g. spouse, children)
DROPCARD – Remove card(s) from phone
HELP – Request detailed descriptions and how to use each keyword
IOWEU – Request amount of current fines owed
MYBOOKS – Request a list of current account information (checkouts, holds, fines)
MYCARDS – Shoutbomb will return the registered card number(s) and expiration date(s) of the account(s)
NOTICES – Current status of all opt in/opt out service
QUIT – Opt out of the text messaging service
RESEND – Resend the last message(s) from Shoutbomb
SIGNUP – Register for text messaging service
TEST – Test your connection to Shoutbomb service
WABABY-PK – Register to receive alerts about services for babies and preschoolers
WAK-2 – Register to receive alerts about services for kindergartners to second graders
WA3-5 – Register to receive alerts about services for third to fifth graders
WANEWS – Register to receive important updates from the library (i.e. emergency closings)

Hold Commands
HL – Request a list of your items currently on the hold shelf
HOLDS – Toggles hold notices on or off

Renewal Commands
ALL – Request to renew all eligible items, including overdues
OA – Request to renew all overdue items
OI – Request to show overdue items NOT eligible for renewal
OL – Request for list of eligible overdue items to choose to renew
OW – Request for reasons WHY overdue items not eligible to renew
RA – Request to renew all eligible items (not overdues)
RENEW – Toggle notification on or off for due date warnings
RI – Request to show items NOT eligible for renewal
RL – Request for list of eligible items (not overdues) to choose to renew
RW – Request for reasons WHY items not eligible to renew